© 2023ff The Arkansas River Valley Baptist Association
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”” Matthew 28:19-20 ARVBA Missions is way more than VBS props, Inflatables and Recreation Trailers! Throughout the year our member churches partner together to share Christ’s great gospel all over the world. Sometimes a couple of churches will share a missions adventure and sometimes the whole group of churches will come together to ‘mission’ a whole region like we do on ARVBA Day. On this page we will post information about upcoming Mission Ministries that directly involve the ARVBA as well as any and all Missions endeavors and partnerships shared by our member churches. There will be a lot of stuff here so to keep the page from being 40 miles long, we will many times link to a pdf file which not only can be viewed from your computer but can also be downloaded and printed should you wish to share the information with your church or just have a hard copy to keep with you. Check back often as info will be added as it comes in! Annual ARVBA Mission Trip July13th - 18th, 2025 This year we are following our heart to the Delta region of our own state. On July 113th - 18th, we will partner with churches and church planters to help reach the unreached and/or unengaged in that area. Vacation Bible School will spring up at one church that week while carnivals will mysteriously appear in different places each evening. Church buildings will enjoy light remodels and interior paint jobs while certain specific areas will experience the old-time door-to-door ‘survey’. More opportunities are sure to present themselves and will only be limited by the number of ‘missionaries’ who tag along with us. We have a dedicated kitchen staff for our morning and evening meals and have all the hot-dogs and popcorn we can eat while working the events. The ARVBA/KC mission trip is open to all ARVBA churches, their members, and any guests they might invite. The cost is only $70.00 per person and the destination is only 3-4 hours away. Plans are already underway and more information will shared as it becomes available so sign up now and check back often! Click the ‘Team’ pic to sign up for ARVBA/Arkansas Delta Mission Trip 2025! More ARVBA Missions Opportunities! Click The Pic! Click the Pic!
© 2024ff The Arkansas River Valley Baptist Association
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,   teaching them to observe all I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”” Matthew 28:19-20 ARVBA Missions is way more than VBS props, Inflatables and Recreation Trailers! Throughout the year our member churches partner together to share Christ’s great gospel all over the world. Sometimes a couple of churches will share a missions adventure and sometimes the whole group of churches will come together to ‘mission’ a whole region like we do on ARVBA Day. On this page we will post information about upcoming Mission Ministries that directly involve the ARVBA as well as any and all Missions endeavors and partnerships shared by our member churches. There will be a lot of stuff here so to keep the page from being 40 miles long, we will many times link to a pdf file which not only can be viewed from your computer but can also be downloaded and printed should you wish to share the information with your church or just have a hard copy to keep with you. Check back often as info will be added as it comes in! Annual ARVBA Mission Trip July13th - 18th, 2025 This year we are following our heart to the Delta region of our own state. On July 16 th 22 nd , we will partner with churches and church planters to help reach the unreached and/or unengaged in that area. Vacation Bible School will spring up at one church that week while carnivals will mysteriously appear in different places each evening. Church buildings will enjoy light remodels and interior paint jobs while certain specific areas will experience the old-time door-to-door ‘survey’. More opportunities are sure to present themselves and will only be limited by the number of ‘missionaries’ who tag along with us. We have a dedicated kitchen staff for our morning and evening meals and have all the hot-dogs and popcorn we can eat while working the events. The ARVBA/KC mission trip is open to all ARVBA churches, their members, and any guests they might invite. The cost is only $70.00 per person and the destination is only 3-4 hours away. Plans are already underway and more information will shared as it becomes available so sign up now and check back often! Click the ‘Team’ pic to sign up for ARVBA/Arkansas Delta Mission Trip 2025 More ARVBA Mission Opportunities Click The Pic! Click the Pic!
“Churches Doing More Together”