Vacation Bible School
Is A Big Deal In The
Without question, VBS is still the most effective tool for
evangelism in the modern church’s arsenal. Studies
show that as many as 80% of those who ever accept
Christ’s salvation do so BEFORE the age of 13. And
Vacation Bible School just happens to be designed to
appeal to that very demographic!
It is for this reason the ARVBA commits so much passion and energy to the VBS Equipping Ministry.
Each year we host one of the few Associational Vacation Bible School Clinics in the state. By the time the
clinic rolls around, our team has already been to the annual ‘sneak-peek’ hosted by Lifeway Christian
Resources. They have studied the material, noted any changes to style and/format, pre-ordered samples of
the current year’s resources and constructed VBS ‘props’ for our churches to share.
Clinic attendees are treated to a hands-on experience with all the material, actually see decoration ideas
and suggestions, take part in a scaled down version of the VBS Worship Rally and enjoy a meal provided
by the Association. Several breakout sessions will be added this year so you will want to start recruiting
your VBS team now!
This year’s Clinic is scheduled for Saturday morning on March 1st at Dardanell’s First Baptist Church.
The cost for this event is only $10.00 and includes a pastry breakfast (beginning at 8:30), materials,
snacks, etc.
Click The Logos To Register!
© 2023ff The Arkansas River Valley Baptist Association
Download Order Forms for Clinic, 2025 Here:
The Cost of Ordering VBS Materials Thru the
Association Is The Same For You and Lifeway returns
a Small percentage to the ARVBA which we turn back
to Missions & Ministries
Excel: (Portrait with auto sums)
PDF: (Portrait without auto sum)
Coming to the ARVBA
Saturday, March 1st, 2025!
Click the pic for cool
decorating ideas and links!