We will begin at 10 o’clock with inside instruction on Block Party fundamentals. Once completed, we will head outside and learn how to set up the event, inflate, deflate, and store the inflatables, operate the generators, arrange the food court, and much more.We will discover the importance of properly ‘directing’ the flow of traffic at your carnival as well the need to anticipate the sun’s position at the time of the event. We will share food safety tips, game set-up and take-down, and other useful info. The event is free and each attendee will receive a certificate of completion.Click here or on the picture above to pre-registerTraining is required for those using the ARVBA Rec. trailers.
We will begin at 10 o’clock with inside instruction on Block Party fundamentals. Once completed, we will head outside and learn how to set up the event, inflate, deflate, and store the inflatables, operate the generators, arrange the food court, and much more.Wewilldiscovertheimportanceofproperly ‘directing’theflowoftrafficatyourcarnivalaswell theneedtoanticipatethesun’spositionatthetimeof theevent.Wewillsharefoodsafetytips,gameset-up and take-down, and other useful info. The event is free and each attendee will receive a certificate of completion.Click here or on the picture above to pre-registerTraining is required for those using the ARVBA Rec. trailers.